Saturday, April 12, 2008

Rm 16, 1 A minister of the church at Cenchreae

Romans 16
(Rm 16, 1) A minister of the church at Cenchreae

[1] I commend to you Phoebe our sister, who is (also) a minister of the church at Cenchreae,
(CCC 1569) "At a lower level of the hierarchy are to be found deacons, who receive the imposition of hands 'not unto the priesthood, but unto the ministry"' (Lumen gentium, 29; cf. Christus Dominus, 15). At an ordination to the diaconate only the bishop lays hands on the candidate, thus signifying the deacon's special attachment to the bishop in the tasks of his "diakonia" (Cf. St. Hippolytus, Trad. Ap. 8: SCh 11, 58-62). (CCC 1588) With regard to deacons, "strengthened by sacramental grace they are dedicated to the People of God, in conjunction with the bishop and his body of priests, in the service (diakonia) of the liturgy, of the Gospel, and of works of charity" (Lumen gentium, 29). (CCC 1596) Deacons are ministers ordained for tasks of service of the Church; they do not receive the ministerial priesthood, but ordination confers on them important functions in the ministry of the word, divine worship, pastoral governance, and the service of charity, tasks which they must carry out under the pastoral authority of their bishop.

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