Saturday, March 8, 2014

Matthew 22, 34-40 + CSDC and CV

Matthew 22, 34-40 + CSDC and CV  

(CV 34e)  Gift by its nature goes beyond merit, its rule is that of superabundance. It takes first place in our souls as a sign of God's presence in us, a sign of what he expects from us. Truth — which is itself gift, in the same way as charity — is greater than we are, as Saint Augustine teaches [88].

Notes: [88] Saint Augustine expounds this teaching in detail in his dialogue on free will (De libero arbitrio, II, 3, 8ff.). He indicates the existence within the human soul of an “internal sense”. This sense consists in an act that is fulfilled outside the normal functions of reason, an act that is not the result of reflection, but is almost instinctive, through which reason, realizing its transient and fallible nature, admits the existence of something eternal, higher than itself, something absolutely true and certain. The name that Saint Augustine gives to this interior truth is at times the name of God (Confessions X, 24, 35; XII, 25, 35; De libero arbitrio II, 3, 8), more often that of Christ (De magistro 11:38; Confessions VII, 18, 24; XI, 2, 4). 

Sollicitudo Rei Socialis: conditions for a development worthy of man

CSDC 102a. With the Encyclical Sollicitudo Rei Socialis [188], Pope John Paul II commemorates the twentieth anniversary of Populorum Progressio and deals once more with the theme of development along two fundamental lines: “on one hand, the dramatic situation of the modern world, under the aspect of the failed development of the Third World, and on the other, the meaning of, conditions and requirements for a development worthy of man”[189].

Notes: [188] Cf. John Paul II, Encyclical Letter Sollicitudo Rei Socialis: AAS 80 (1988), 513-586. [189] Congregation for Catholic Education, Guidelines for the Study and Teaching of the Church's Social Doctrine in the Formation of Priests, 26, Vatican Polyglot Press, Rome 1988, p. 32.

(Mt 22, 34-40) There is no state of conflict between God and man

[34] When the Pharisees heard that he had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together, [35] and one of them [a scholar of the law] tested him by asking, [36] "Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?" [37] He said to him, "You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. [38] This is the greatest and the first commandment. [39] The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. [40] The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments."

CSDC 46. There is no state of conflict between God and man, but a relationship of love in which the world and the fruits of human activity in the world are objects of mutual gift between the Father and his children, and among the children themselves, in Christ Jesus; in Christ and thanks to him the world and man attain their authentic and inherent meaning. In a universal vision of God's love that embraces everything that exists, God himself is revealed to us in Christ as Father and giver of life, and man as the one who, in Christ, receives everything from God as gift, humbly and freely, and who truly possesses everything as his own when he knows and experiences everything as belonging to God, originating in God and moving towards God. In this regard, the Second Vatican Council teaches: “If the expression ‘the autonomy of earthly affairs' is taken to mean that created things do not depend on God, and that man can use them without any reference to their Creator, anyone who acknowledges God will see how false such a meaning is. For without the Creator, the creature would disappear” [49].

Notes:  [49] Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et Spes, 36: AAS 58 (1966), 1054.

[Initials and Abbreviations.- CSDC: Pontifical Council for Justice And Peace, Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church; -  SDC: Social Doctrine of the Church; - CV: Benedict XVI, Caritas in Veritate (Charity in truth)]

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